Session 2 and Nakuru Rugby Tournaments!!

For task 1: a case study, ‘Sammy’s Story’ was introduced.
> Opened his first hotel
> Employed many staff
> Served food on the menu which he enjoys
> Invested all of his money and
> Opened more hotels
Sammy’s business failed.
The entrepreneurs realised that Sammy shouldn’t of invested all of his money, nor should he of employed so many staff, Sammy shouldn’t of assumed what customer would enjoy on the menu and he shouldn’t of continued to open hotels without knowing whether the first one is successful. Sammy should of started small and tested each step along the way.
For task 2: The Marshmallow Challenge
The marshmallow challenge is used all over the world by even the largest company conferences and training.
The structure symbolises the business and the marshmallows ability to free-stand symbolises the success of the business.
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Adults tend to fail and children tend to succeed in this challenge, the reason being that adults tend to use up time by planning and talking through the different ways of procedure whereas children build a structure and test along the way. just like you would a business.
Attempting this a week earlier, the fellows and I struggled, in fact; not one team were successful, however one the groups in our team of entrepreneurs ‘the committed warriors’ worked together and managed to successfully achieve a free standing structure.
Reflecting on why Sammy’s business failed is a conclusion which the marshmallow challenge supported.
Testing is Key.
Nakuru Rugby Tournaments
On this day the Eldoret and the Nakuru groups of Balloon Kenya 2015  met up and enjoyed a spot of Rugby.
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I believe Top Fry won this tournament.

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