Session 1 & Kissumu Boat Ride!!

Session 1 consisted of introducing the Business Model Canvas;
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We helped the Committed Warriors through implementing a Kenyan business. The buda buda
The buda buda business is a  is a form of transport; when English would take a taxi, a bus or a train, Kenyans would take a taxi, a tuk tuk (a motor bike with indoor seating), a budda budda (on the back of a motorbike), or a matatu (a transit van).




The entrepreneurs we split in to two teams and they did a great job, they worked together, queried concerns and completed the task. It was a challenge on both the entrepreneurs but also the fellows; I felt this way due to Kenyan factors being completely new to us also.. factors such as e.g. revenue streams MPESA: mobile money (text banking).
Once this was complete we moved on to the reasons to why many Kenyan businesses commonly fail. These reasons were
> Giving friends on credit
> Assuming things will work before doing research
> Investing everything before testing
The session was successful and the two fellows and myself felt achievement after our first day of teaching.
Kissumu was beautiful;
Firstly we learnt about the Luo tribe in terms of age when you are considered at age for marriage (15) and the rituals such as circumcision (boys), teeth removal (girls) and how engagement takes place (kidnap), we were also informed that monogamy is not something within the Luo tribe, infact we were shown around the setting of how life would be as a Luo, there was a first wife’s house a second, a third and so on and so forth; it was very interesting however hard to understand looking through the eyes of someone brought up in a very different culture.
After this we enjoyed seeing a crocodile and holding some very small and adorable turtles
Later that day we continued to a very rocky and speedy boat ride where we saw a hippo, learnt about the variety of birds nesting in the trees, hand picked the papyrus plant which Egyptians made paper from. We also had a cheeky brandy exchange with the tour guide when he parked the boat within some tall grass, on our way heading back to land we observed both the sun set and the incredible bird migration from the Netherlands.
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